This entry shows divers, it is in illustration style.
Een bijdrage met duikers, de stijl is illustratief.
Study in Indian Ink and Poster Colour, 2011 (30 x 20 cm)
Henri's berichten over zijn recente activiteiten
Henri's reports on his recent activities
Henri's reports on his recent activities
vrijdag 30 december 2011
woensdag 28 december 2011
Style attempt: SciFi
Een vervolg in stijloefeningen. Een Portugees oorlogsschip als science fiction voorwerp.
Style exercises continued. A Portuguese Man-o-War as a sci-fi object.
Indian Ink and poster Colour, 2011 (30 x 20 cm)
woensdag 14 december 2011
New Style Attempts
De winterdag met weinig helder licht is geschikt voor grafisch werk. Hierbij stijloefeningen in zwart-wit: een Portugees oorlogsschip als mode-impressie.
Winter, when bright light is scarce, is the time to take up graphical work. Herewith style attempts in black and white: a Portuguese Man-O-War as a fashion image.
woensdag 30 november 2011
mourning cockle
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Kokkelschelp, watercolour, 2011 (30 x 20 cm) |
I was told that in the views that prevail in some Asian areas, a shell is the home of an entity that is no longer a living being.
And so this signifies the presence of death.
The circumstance that a few people that I know left this life recently reminded me of this.
Then, I created this mourning cockle shell.
Dat in sommige streken in Azië de opvatting heerst dat een schelp het tehuis is van een individu dat niet langer leeft, is me bekend.
Daarom verwijst dat naar de dood.
De omstandigheid dat onlangs enkele mensen die ik ken het leven hebben verlaten bracht dit weer onder mijn aandacht.
Daarop maakte ik deze rouwende kokkelschelp.
maandag 21 november 2011
Cardium edule (B 671), watercolour 2011 ( 17 x 27 cm ) |
donderdag 3 november 2011
The squid Loligopsis Veranii
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Loligopsis Veranii (B. 564), watercolour 2011 (c. 30 x 20 cm) |
The original design starts in the mid nineteenth century. In 1851 Jean Baptiste Vérany, published his “Mollusques méditeranéens”. Our squid is then pictured at plate # 38.
Father and son Blaschka based a glass model of this species on this very image, and a photograph of it can be found on the site of the Corning Museum of Glass.
In the Blaschka sales cataloge for the 1880s it was offered as model # 564.
Ernst Haeckel, German zoologist and inspriration of Jugendstil (which mor or less equals to "German Art Nouveau") presented the shape of this squid as natural beauty.
He was driven to stimulate the decorative arts by means of the images and shapes found in nature in his Kunstformen der Natur (Art Forms in nature). In this Album, published in installments in the period 1899-1904, our squid is pictured at plate # 54.
And here is my study, at last.
donderdag 27 oktober 2011
In memoriam A3 S
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Hiking in Norway, 1980, watercolour (c. 40 x 30 cm) |
Onlangs verloor ik een dierbare vriend, met wie ik hoogzomer 1980 een reis maakte, tot ver boven de poolcirkel, door het noordelijkste Noorwegen.
Een land waar overal helder koud water is, zoete en rinse bessen. En muggen. Zijn zon gaat niet meer onder. Hij wordt gemist.
Recently, I lost a friend with whom I hiked in Norway in 1980. He is missed.
zondag 16 oktober 2011
Sunfish / Maanvis
donderdag 6 oktober 2011
Linearity II
maandag 26 september 2011
Dit jaar vieren vrienden een 40-jarige bruiloft. Om dit te herdenken heb ik het onderwerp van de trouwkaart hernomen. In 1971 heb ik daarvoor een illustratie gemaakt. Ze ademt de tijdgeest van Flower Power.
Toen was ik juist met een biologiestudie begonnen en had nog geen idee dat ik me in 1978 zou inschrijven aan de Gerrit Rietveld Academie. Nu stem ik nogmaals af op de vrolijke jaren van Love & Peace.
This year the 40th wedding anniversary of friends is celebrated. To commemorate this, I reworked the subject of the wedding invitation. In 1971 I drew an illustration for that card. It conveys the Zeitgeist of Flower Power.
At that time I commenced my biology studies and had no idea that in 1978 I would enroll at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy. Today I tune in again at the merry years of Love & Peace.
Toen was ik juist met een biologiestudie begonnen en had nog geen idee dat ik me in 1978 zou inschrijven aan de Gerrit Rietveld Academie. Nu stem ik nogmaals af op de vrolijke jaren van Love & Peace.
At that time I commenced my biology studies and had no idea that in 1978 I would enroll at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy. Today I tune in again at the merry years of Love & Peace.
zondag 18 september 2011
Václav Frič
The 2005 study that was executed in cooperation with Taťjána Spunarová (see article) induced contacts.
A Scandinavian anthropologist with an interest in pre-modern whaling, asked for details about the provenance of the whale that Frič procured around 1885 and then installed in the Czech National Museum. Taťjána helped him.
A master student of the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris looked into the fluid preserved skeletons from Frič' natural history business. He developed a method to evaluate these objects and so he delivered a solid overview..
In Sydney, the Australian museum keeps a handwritten catalogue of crystal models offered by Frič, his printed Foraminifers catalogue and also a set of Blaschka glass models. In the past I have helped this Museum in editing the web text that introduces these models.
A Scandinavian anthropologist with an interest in pre-modern whaling, asked for details about the provenance of the whale that Frič procured around 1885 and then installed in the Czech National Museum. Taťjána helped him.
A master student of the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris looked into the fluid preserved skeletons from Frič' natural history business. He developed a method to evaluate these objects and so he delivered a solid overview..
In Sydney, the Australian museum keeps a handwritten catalogue of crystal models offered by Frič, his printed Foraminifers catalogue and also a set of Blaschka glass models. In the past I have helped this Museum in editing the web text that introduces these models.
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Early glass models, detail from a larger watercolour from 1999 |
vrijdag 9 september 2011
Linearity I
Onlangs had ik een atelierbezoek bij de kunstenaar P.H. Van Acker. Hij analyseert de tijdlijn van een muzikale compositie per seconde. Deze benadering is de basis voor uitbeelding in lineaire reeksen. In zijn monumentale werk "Franciscus" beeldt hij de opera "Saint François d'Assise" van Olivier Messiaen uit.
Een lineaire benadering heb ik zelf gebruikt in de weergave van een embryologie-reeks van de zeeslak Tiedemannia neapolitana (als studie). Uiteindelijk zal ik voor dat onderwerp een vloeiende compositie gebruiken (zie blog 5 mei 2011).
Ik zie, dat een lineaire weergave een dwingende kracht kan hebben.
Recently I visited the studio of P.H. Van Acker, artist. He analyses the timeline of a musical composition per second. This approach is the basis for visualisation in linear sequences. In his monumental work "Franciscus" he visualises Olivier Messiaen's opera "Saint François d'Assise".
I used a linear approach myself in the image of an embryology series of the sea slug Tiedemannia neapolitana (as a study). In the end, I will apply a more fluid composition (see blog May 5, 2011).
I see that a linear approach can have a compelling drive.
Een lineaire benadering heb ik zelf gebruikt in de weergave van een embryologie-reeks van de zeeslak Tiedemannia neapolitana (als studie). Uiteindelijk zal ik voor dat onderwerp een vloeiende compositie gebruiken (zie blog 5 mei 2011).
Ik zie, dat een lineaire weergave een dwingende kracht kan hebben.
Recently I visited the studio of P.H. Van Acker, artist. He analyses the timeline of a musical composition per second. This approach is the basis for visualisation in linear sequences. In his monumental work "Franciscus" he visualises Olivier Messiaen's opera "Saint François d'Assise".
I used a linear approach myself in the image of an embryology series of the sea slug Tiedemannia neapolitana (as a study). In the end, I will apply a more fluid composition (see blog May 5, 2011).
I see that a linear approach can have a compelling drive.
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Linear sequence of embryology of Tiedemannia, watercolour, 2009 (10 x 15 cm) |
donderdag 1 september 2011
Black background, light image
In december 2010 toonde ik een studie van de biolumenescente kwal Aequorea cyanea. Dit onderwerp is nu hernomen omdat ik nog sterker een licht beeld tegen een donkere achtergrond wilde laten zien.
December 2010 showed a study of the bioluminescent jellyfish Aequorea cyanea. This subject is now reconsidered because I needed to show more strongly a light image set against a black background.
(Go to December 2010 blog featuring Aequorea - click here)
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Aequorea cyanea II, watercolour, 2011 (40 x 65 cm) |
December 2010 showed a study of the bioluminescent jellyfish Aequorea cyanea. This subject is now reconsidered because I needed to show more strongly a light image set against a black background.
(Go to December 2010 blog featuring Aequorea - click here)
woensdag 24 augustus 2011
Community - Individuality
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Enlargement of individual organism and pen drawing of colony of Pyrosoma atlanticum (B 620) II, watercolour, (ca. 30x20, 2011) |
The species Pyrosoma atlanticum, known for its bioluminescent properties, is a colony building Tunicate animal. Their length varies from a few centimetres to several meters. Such a colony makes you wonder about the tension between the individual (and privacy) and community. In the nineteenth century however, the analogy between colonies of the lower animal species and the human society contributed to scientific thought, in which there was room for speculation to allow for defending scientific positions.
Groep – Eenling
De soort Pyrosoma atlanticum, bekend vanwege het vermogen tot bioluminescentie, is een manteldier dat kolonies vormt. Zij variëren in lengte van enkele centimeters tot verscheidene meters. Een dergelijke kolonie laat je peinzen over de spanning tussen individu (en privacy) en gemeenschap. In de 19e eeuw was het trekken van de analogie tussen kolonies van lagere dieren en de menselijke samenleving echter onderdeel van de wetenschap, waarin plaats was voor speculaties om wetenschappelijke stellingnamen verdedigen.
woensdag 17 augustus 2011
Hermit-crab & companion
The Cloak-anemone lives on the shell of the Hermit-crab, that formerly was inhabited by the Whelk
De Mantelanemoon woont op de schelp van de Hermietkrab, waarin voorheen de Wulk woonde.
"It is that unaccounted association of diverse and unrelated creatures, which, if we had not repeatedly seen it, we should not believe; the companionship of the Hermit-crab with the beautiful Cloak-anemone. …
The companion of the Cloaklet … is exclusively a deep-water species. Found on various parts of our coast, it invariably occurs in this association. I believe the Crab in no instance lives without the Anemone, the Anemone in no instance without the Crab. Examples, indeed, do now and then occur, as mentioned by Forbes in which the one comes up in the dredge without the other; but I believe this is only when the rude action of the dredge has frightened the crab, and induced it suddenly to vacate the shell and desert its friend."
(Gosse, 1865, p. 237-238)
Litt.: Philip Henry Gosse. A year at the shore; London : Strahan, 1865.
De Mantelanemoon woont op de schelp van de Hermietkrab, waarin voorheen de Wulk woonde.
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Watercolour of Hermit-crab, based on Gosse, 1865: Pl. 27 . The Cloaklet is based on the late version of Blaschka glass model 33, Adamsia palliata - the Cloaklet. (ca. 15x20 cm, 2011) |
"It is that unaccounted association of diverse and unrelated creatures, which, if we had not repeatedly seen it, we should not believe; the companionship of the Hermit-crab with the beautiful Cloak-anemone. …
The companion of the Cloaklet … is exclusively a deep-water species. Found on various parts of our coast, it invariably occurs in this association. I believe the Crab in no instance lives without the Anemone, the Anemone in no instance without the Crab. Examples, indeed, do now and then occur, as mentioned by Forbes in which the one comes up in the dredge without the other; but I believe this is only when the rude action of the dredge has frightened the crab, and induced it suddenly to vacate the shell and desert its friend."
(Gosse, 1865, p. 237-238)
Litt.: Philip Henry Gosse. A year at the shore; London : Strahan, 1865.
woensdag 10 augustus 2011
Homage to Foucault
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Homage to Foucault, mixed media (c. 40 x 30 cm) |
In the N e t h e r l a n d s, we have already since the 1990s the imperative from the administration and supported by the parliament, that artists should concentrate on cultural entrepreneurship. More than before, our present government expands this concept also to cultural institutions like e.g. museums and orchestras.
This may worry us deeply. The economic model may apply to economic activities, but I have reasons to reject this concept when related to the cultural sphere. If artists want to be executives, if institutions prefer to be operated as businesses then it would not concern me. However, it is obvious for those who can see, that they are manipulated to move in that direction.
Business-person is one of the roles (Gestalt) an artist may assume. However, it may be more urgent for him or her to be a priest, a teacher, a prophet, a nurse, a doctor, a clown or a hermit. An artist may also be an artists’ artist, an inspiration to his fellow travellers and colleagues, unnoticed by the audience at large.
We need all these types of artist, and let us not be fooled by the concept that art from an entrepreneurial practice is the only real art with quality.
I feel there is this ongoing process of modelling the arts and the artists into the mould of publicly accepted values, economic orientation and success being at the core of them. It is Michel Foucault (1926-1984) who made us aware of the processes in which humans, their behaviour and expectations are all subject to normalisation. Still, artists are not businessmen by nature, and they need not to comply. They can refuse.
All this occupied me, when I painted this homage to Foucault. It is based on the famous photograph made in Berlin in the late 1970s.
dinsdag 2 augustus 2011
XIX: Black / Zwart
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Physalia pelagica, Indian Ink, c 30 x 40 cm (2011) |
I remember the bible with the Doré illustrations, and the plates in the books by Jules Verne. As a child, the pictures in Alice in Wonderland (drawn by John Tenniel), even frightened me. My fascination for the 19th century certainly also includes these “black” illustrations. This triggered the “black” image of the Portuguese man-of-war.
maandag 25 juli 2011
2011 A4Printmakers competition
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Page from the 2010 A4 printmakers catalogue |
The A4Printmakers Competition will held at:
The Poly Arts Centre, Church Street, Falmouth, Cornwall
30th August -12th September 2011.
Click here for more information.
maandag 18 juli 2011
Tubularia indivisa Linné (Bl. 191)
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191 Tubularia indivisa, watercolour 2011 (40x 30 cm) |
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Fig. XX in Allman 1872 |
Het beeld én het model van de Penneschaft gaat terug op:
The image and the model of the Tall Tubularia are both based on fig. XX in:
George James Allman
A monograph of the gymnoblastic or tubularian hydroida in two parts:
Part II, The genera and species of the gymnoblastea.
Part II, The genera and species of the gymnoblastea.
London: The Ray Society, 1872 (with plates XIII-XXIII)
dinsdag 5 juli 2011
Topografische Atlas Utrechts Archief
De collecties met uitbeeldingen van stadsgezichten en landschappen van het Utrechts archief zijn niet alleen een topografische collectie. Dergelijke afbeeldingen van de tijd voorafgaand aan de fotografie zijn altijd met de hand gemaakt, en de verzameling die als "topografische atlas" wordt aangeduid is dan ook tevens een kunstverzameling. Dit aspect wordt in het verzamelbeleid erkend door ook hedendaagse topografische kunst te verzamelen.
In 1986 en in 1989 zijn door mij gemaakte aquarellen toegevoegd aan de topografische atlas van Utrecht. Bij een recent bezoek aan het Utrechts archief trof ik reproducties daarvan aan in de public access database van het archief. Ik heb van de gelegenheid gebruik gemaakt om een aantal in de opmaak van een “Historische Krant” die ter plekke is samengesteld op te nemen.
Recently I visited the Utrecht City Archives and I was pleased to see that their purchases of topographical works (cityscapes) made by me and acquired in 1986-1989 were in the public access database. I brought the reproductions together in the mock-up of a newspaper made on the spot.
In 1986 en in 1989 zijn door mij gemaakte aquarellen toegevoegd aan de topografische atlas van Utrecht. Bij een recent bezoek aan het Utrechts archief trof ik reproducties daarvan aan in de public access database van het archief. Ik heb van de gelegenheid gebruik gemaakt om een aantal in de opmaak van een “Historische Krant” die ter plekke is samengesteld op te nemen.
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Recently I visited the Utrecht City Archives and I was pleased to see that their purchases of topographical works (cityscapes) made by me and acquired in 1986-1989 were in the public access database. I brought the reproductions together in the mock-up of a newspaper made on the spot.
vrijdag 24 juni 2011
Charles-Alexandre Lesueur in Le Havre
It is well known for its collection of early 19th-century paintings by local naturalist and traveler Charles-Alexandre Lesueur (1778-1846).
It is disappointing, that not even a few of this museums most treasured pieces were on show.
But there were living insects demonstrating mimicry which in itself is also quite interesting …
maandag 20 juni 2011
Orchid study in watercolour
The first two weeks of June 2011, I was in Normandy and Picardy, situated in Northern France. “Les orchidees sauvages” was the name of a farm where we stayed, and behind it, there were the orchids flowering. I did a quick study in watercolour of the Pyramidal Orchid, Anacamptis pyramidalis, showing an impression of plant habitus.
zondag 19 juni 2011
154th birthday of Rudolf Blaschka
donderdag 26 mei 2011
189th birthday of Leopold Blaschka
vrijdag 20 mei 2011
3rd of 3 graces
The Moon Jelly of common jellyfish (Aurelia aurita) is portrayed twice; once in watercolour and once in spraypaint/stencil. This is one of the three jellyfish species, that were popular Blaschka glass models..Previous blog-entries show Rhizostoma pulmo and Pelagia noctiluca.
2nd of 3 graces
The Purple-striped jelly or Mauve Stinger (Pelagia noctiluca) is portrayed twice; once in watercolour and once in spraypaint/stencil. It is one of the three jellyfish species, that were a popular Blaschka glass model.The previous blog-entry shows Rhizostoma pulmo.
zaterdag 14 mei 2011
1rst of 3 graces
The barrel jellyfish or football jellyfish (Rhizostoma pulmo) is portrayed twice; once in watercolour and once in spraypaint/stencil. It is one of the three jellyfish species, that were a popular Blaschka glass model.The other two are Aurelia aurita and Pelagia noctiluca.
donderdag 5 mei 2011
Resuming Tiedemannia embryology
This year in February I made studies of embryonic stages of the seaslug Tiedemannia neapolitana. Recently, I integrated the same images in a single piece.
Eerder dit jaar, in februari heb ik studies gemaakt van embryonale stadia van de zeeslak Tiedemannia neapolitana. Onlangs heb ik diezelfde vormen in een werkstuk gïntegreerd.
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Tiedemannia neapolitana (B 359, 360) aquarel 2011 (70 x 55 cm) |
Eerder dit jaar, in februari heb ik studies gemaakt van embryonale stadia van de zeeslak Tiedemannia neapolitana. Onlangs heb ik diezelfde vormen in een werkstuk gïntegreerd.
woensdag 27 april 2011
Preparing for spraypaint jelly
I am preparing for three spray-paint/stencil prints of the three Blaschka jellyfish models that are present in many natural history collections. Therefore, I occasionally refer to these as "the three graces". They are Aurelia aurita, Pelagia noctiluca and Rhizostoma pulmo. The preparatory image of the latter is presented here.
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paper stencil, 2011, 20x30 cm |
woensdag 20 april 2011
Book worm
This lug worm is actually a book-worm: pictured like this the species is only occuring in books. For worms, a sinusoid posture is highly unusual. It is more likely to be seen in serpents.
The above image is based on: Georges Cuvier / Le Règne Animal distribué d'apres son organisation, pour servir de base a l'histoire naturelle des animaux. Paris: Fortin, Masson et Cie, 1836-1849 ; div. Annelides, Pl 8
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Arenicola marina (B 311), watercolour, 20x20 cm (2011) |
The above image is based on: Georges Cuvier / Le Règne Animal distribué d'apres son organisation, pour servir de base a l'histoire naturelle des animaux. Paris: Fortin, Masson et Cie, 1836-1849 ; div. Annelides, Pl 8
woensdag 13 april 2011
Klasse, Orndung, Art: 200 Jahre Museum für Naturkunde
Die Jubiläumsausstellung des Museums für Naturkunde zu Berlin (Humboldt Universität) wird gefeiert mit der Ausstellung “Klasse, Orndung, Art”. Diese ist bis zum Ostern 2011 verlängert worden. Das wundevoll illustrierte Begleitbuch sowie die Ausstellung präsentierten die Glasmodelle von Blaschka recht glorios.
Class, Order, Species
The bicentenary of the Museum für Naturkunde (Berlin, Humboldt University) is celebrated with the exhibition “Klasse, Ordnung, Art”. The show is extended until Easter 2011. In the accompanying beautifully illustrated publication as well as in the exhibition itself, the Blaschka glass models are presented gloriously.
The bicentenary of the Museum für Naturkunde (Berlin, Humboldt University) is celebrated with the exhibition “Klasse, Ordnung, Art”. The show is extended until Easter 2011. In the accompanying beautifully illustrated publication as well as in the exhibition itself, the Blaschka glass models are presented gloriously.
woensdag 30 maart 2011
Academic nostalgia. And an illustration too
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indian ink and a wash of gouache, 2011, (c 30x20 cm) |
This entry is an evocation of the oceans and thus it is in illustration style.
Nostalgia made me do two academic studies: one in charcoal, the other in diluted Indian ink, highlights in white acrylic primer on wrapping paper (both c. 30 x 20 cm) .
Hierbij een evocatie van de oceanen, en de stijl is illustratief.
Uit nostaglie komende twee andere studies voort: een in houtskool, de andere in verdunde O-I inkt, gehoogd met witte acrylprimer op pakpapier (beide c. 30 x 20 cm).
dinsdag 22 maart 2011
Cartoon Style
This entry is a study on the cartoonist’s way. As a bonus: a jelly fish study in a wash of ink on wrapping paper
Dit keer een studie op de manier van de cartoonist. Als bonus: een kwalstudie in gewassen inkt op pakpapier.
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Study of jellyfish, indian ink on paper 2011 (20 x 30 cm) |
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Study of jellyfish, wash of indian ink on wrapping paper 2011 (20 x 30 cm) |
dinsdag 15 maart 2011
Art Nouveau Style
This image in Art Nouveau style is titled “Art Forms of the Galaxy”. This somewhat ironic title recalls Ernst Haeckel’s Art Forms in Nature (Kunstformen der Natur, 1899-1904). Haeckel’s intention was to stimulate the decorative arts to use natural forms.His work is considered to be influential in that respect.
When recently the Blaschka glass animal models were adopted as an audience magnet, the institutions apparently could not help but flirting with Haeckel, Art Nouveau, and Art Forms in Nature. The Tübingen Museum came up with “Artforms of the Sea” (Kunstformen des Meeres) in 2006, and in 2008 the Sunderland Glass Centre promoted “Art Froms of the Ocean”.
Neither of them seriously promoted the art history debate about why the glass animals were art, let alone be Art Nouveau.
So, in order to disinfect my theoretical concepts with irony, I invented “Art Forms of the Galaxy” in 2008.
The previous blog entry shows a drawing in psychedelic style and as this style period owes a lot to Art Nouveau I want now to present this older work.
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Art Forms Of the Galaxy, watercolour 2008 (c. 30 x 20 cm) |
This image in Art Nouveau style is titled “Art Forms of the Galaxy”. This somewhat ironic title recalls Ernst Haeckel’s Art Forms in Nature (Kunstformen der Natur, 1899-1904). Haeckel’s intention was to stimulate the decorative arts to use natural forms.His work is considered to be influential in that respect.
When recently the Blaschka glass animal models were adopted as an audience magnet, the institutions apparently could not help but flirting with Haeckel, Art Nouveau, and Art Forms in Nature. The Tübingen Museum came up with “Artforms of the Sea” (Kunstformen des Meeres) in 2006, and in 2008 the Sunderland Glass Centre promoted “Art Froms of the Ocean”.
Neither of them seriously promoted the art history debate about why the glass animals were art, let alone be Art Nouveau.
So, in order to disinfect my theoretical concepts with irony, I invented “Art Forms of the Galaxy” in 2008.
The previous blog entry shows a drawing in psychedelic style and as this style period owes a lot to Art Nouveau I want now to present this older work.
Jugendstil / Art Nouveau
Dieses Bild im Jugendstil hat „Art Forms of the Galaxy“ (Kunstformen der Galaxis) als Titel. Dieser etwa ironische Titel erinnert an Ernst Haeckels Kunstformen der Natur (Art Forms in Nature, 1899-1904). Haeckel möchte die dekorativen Künste anregen, die natürlichen Formen als Dekoration anzuwenden. Es wies sich aus, dass seine Arbeit in dieser Aufsicht einflussreich war.
Als rezent die Blaschka Glastiermodelle als Publikumsmagnet anerkannt wurden, konnten die Institutionen offensichtlich nichts anders, als mit Haeckel, Jugendstil und Kunstformen der Natur zu flirten. 2006, Das Museum zu Tübingen brachte „Kunstformen des Meeres“, und 2008 beworb Sunderland Glass Centre „Art Froms of the Ocean“ (Kunstformen der Ozean).
Keine der beiden förderten ernsthaft die Kunstgeschichtliche Debatte, warum die Glastiere Kunst seien, oder zum Jugendstil gehörten.
Um meine theoretischen Konzepte so mit Ironie zu desinfizieren, erfand ich 2008 diese „Kunstformen der Galaxis“.
Als rezent die Blaschka Glastiermodelle als Publikumsmagnet anerkannt wurden, konnten die Institutionen offensichtlich nichts anders, als mit Haeckel, Jugendstil und Kunstformen der Natur zu flirten. 2006, Das Museum zu Tübingen brachte „Kunstformen des Meeres“, und 2008 beworb Sunderland Glass Centre „Art Froms of the Ocean“ (Kunstformen der Ozean).
Keine der beiden förderten ernsthaft die Kunstgeschichtliche Debatte, warum die Glastiere Kunst seien, oder zum Jugendstil gehörten.
Um meine theoretischen Konzepte so mit Ironie zu desinfizieren, erfand ich 2008 diese „Kunstformen der Galaxis“.
Die vorhergehende Blogentry zeigt eine Zeichnung in psychedelischen Stil, und weil dieser Stilperiode dem Jugendstil vieles verdankt, möchte jetzt diese ältere Arbeit vorstellen.
dinsdag 8 maart 2011
Comix Style
This time a design in comic style, a modest tribute to Robert Crumb and his psychedelic works.
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Black and white studies of jellyfish (B238) in comic style, Indian ink and poster colour, 2011 (c20x30 cm) |
Dit keer een ontwerp in comicstijl, een bescheiden saluut aan Robert Crumb en zijn psychedelische werk.
Dieses Mal eine Gestaltung in Comicstil, eine bescheidene Hommage an Robert Crumb und sein psychodelisches Werk.
dinsdag 1 maart 2011
More Style Exercises
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