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donderdag 28 mei 2020

1863 Catalogue of Marine Glass Models - the list of models

 Price list of the Sea Anemones [Aktinien], now available

[Price in Thaler/Neugroschen]

Thlr   /   Ngr
Actinia chiococca Cocks
             concentrica Risso  
           diaphana Rapp
           mesembrianthemum Ellis
             rubra Brugu.
Actinoloba Dianthus (Ell.) Gosse
Adamsia palliata Johnston
(Act. carcinopoda Otto) mit Krebs  [with Crab]
Aiptasia Couchii Gosse
Anemonia cinerea Contarini
Anthea Cereus (Ellis) Johnston
                        maxima veneta 7 1/2
Aureliana Augusta Gosse
                heterocera Gosse
Balanophyllia regia Gosse
Bolocera eques Gosse
               Tuediae (Johnst.) Gosse
(Bunodes Ballii (Cocks) Gosse
Bunodes coronata Gosse
              gemmacea (Ellis) Gosse 2 St. [2 Pc.]
               thalia Gosse  2 St. [2 Pc.]
Capnea sanguinea Johnst.
Caryophyllea Smithii Stokes
Cerianthus Lloydii Gosse
Corynactus viridis Allman
Gregoria fenestrata Gosse
Halcacampa chrysanthellum Gosse 2 St. [2 Pc.]
[correct spelling:  Halcampa chrysanthellum]
-                     microps Gosse
Hormathia margaritae Gosse
Ilyanthus Mitchellii Gosse
Lophophelia prolifera (L.) M. Edw.
Milnea callimorpha Rchb.
[AKA  Edwardsia (Milnea) callimorpha Gosse ]
             carnea Rchb.
[AKA  Edwardsia (Milnea) carnea Gosse ]
(NB. Der Name Edwardsia, den Gosse beiden Arten giebt, ist schon längst von Salisbury in der Botanik vergeben!)
[The name Edwardsia, which Gosse assigns to both species, has long since been claimed by Salisbury in botany !]
Paracyanthus pteropus Gosse
                       taxilianus Gosse
-                        thulensis Gosse
Peachia hastata Gosse
                       triphylla Gosse
                       undata Gosse
Phellia Brodricii Gosse
                      gausapata Gosse
                       muricocincta Gosse
                       picta Gosse  
Phyllangia americana G. *)
Sagartia bellis (Ellis) Gosse
            chrysosplenium Gosse
             coccinea (Müll) Gosse
             ichthyostoma Gosse
             miniata Gosse
            nivea Gosse
            ornata (Holdsworth) Gosse
            pallida (Holdsw.) Gosse 2 St. [2 Pc.]
           parasitica (Couch.) Gosse
            pura (Alder) Gosse
            rosea Gosse  3 St. [3 Pc.]
           sphyrodeta Gosse  2 St. [2 Pc.]
-              5
           troglodytes (Johnst.) Gosse
            venusta Gosse
            viduata (Müll.) Gosse  
Sphenotrochus Macandrewanus M. Edw.
-                          Wrightii Gosse
Stomphia Churchiae Gosse
Tealia coriacea (Lesson.) Rchb.  2 St. [2 Pc.]
         crassicornis (Müll.) Gosse 2 St. [2 Pc.]
         digitata (Müll.) Gosse
Zoanthus Alderi Gosse
               Couchii Johnst.
-               sulcatus Gosse
(NB. Die Autoren in Parenthese haben die bei gesetzten Arten als Actinia beschrieben)
[NB. The authors in Parenthesis have described the according species as Actinia]

The selection will soon be expanded in a new catalogue, highly recommended to friends of nature and science. Letters and funds are requested free of charge.

Dresden, October 15, 1863, Leopold Blaschka, kleine Schiessgasse No. 2.


Chris Meechan, formerly employed at the National Museum Cardiff, analysed the early sets of sea anemone models that survive in Great Britain. He listed 68 species. The list of models presented here is almost identical: 67 species, so only one less (i.e. Sagartia viduata var.).
Instead of  the Phyllangia the correct species
Hoplangia was included in Chris' list [see note *) hereunder].

When browsing the 1863 catalogue, Chris' attention was drawn to  Adamsia palliata with Crab [mit Krebs]. It may be assumed, that this anemone was modeled on a representation of the hermit crab,  with which it lives in symbiosis. Hitherto, we are not aware of early Adamsia models with this feature - but later on the Adamsia was modelled on the shell of a Whelk - in which the hermit crab houses.

 *)  The genus Phyllangia is mentioned in Gosse 1860 (pg 337), as a synonym for Hoplangia.
A quick internet search learns that  Phyllangia americana is a species of the Western Central Atlantic (Belize and Mexico) so it cannot be connected to Gosse 1860 at all. Let us assume that Leopold was misinformed here, and that later on he corrected the wrong nomenclature.

In the next blogpost the Postscript by Ludwig Reichenbach - as published in the catalogue

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