Henri's berichten over zijn recente activiteiten

Henri's reports on his recent activities

donderdag 27 oktober 2011

In memoriam A3 S

Hiking in Norway, 1980, watercolour (c. 40 x 30 cm)
A3 S : 1952-2011

Onlangs verloor ik een dierbare vriend, met wie ik hoogzomer 1980 een reis maakte, tot ver boven de poolcirkel, door het noordelijkste Noorwegen.
Een land waar overal helder koud water is, zoete en rinse bessen. En muggen. Zijn zon gaat niet meer onder. Hij wordt gemist.

Recently, I lost a friend with whom I hiked in Norway in 1980. He is missed. 

zondag 16 oktober 2011

Sunfish / Maanvis

Sunfish / maanvis - watercolour 2011 (c. 70 x 50 cm)

Several jellyfish species are preyed upon by Sunfish (by the way, in Dutch it is called "Moonfish").
This is how I imagine such a raid.

donderdag 6 oktober 2011

Linearity II

Pictured are subsequent larval stages in Physophora magnifica, a colony building jellyfish species. The glass models series as shown in the photograph is linear. My  watercolour shows an loose arrangement of the embryonic shapes. The question might be: what is organic?

Model series of the siphonophore 
Physophora magnifica
based on illustrations by  Ernst Haeckel.
Shown is the series from the collection 
of the Utrecht University Museum. 
Similar series are preserved in the 
collections of Vienna University, 
Cornell University and the 
Museum of Comparative Zoology
of Harvard University.

Physophora magnifica.  
Watercolour 2011, 
( c 40 x 30 cm)