Henri's berichten over zijn recente activiteiten

Henri's reports on his recent activities

dinsdag 26 februari 2013

More spraypaint / stencil – Meer spuitbus / sjabloon

Een afbeelding in spuitbus / sjabloon + aquarel, vervaardigd in 2010
Leopold en Rudolf Blaschka met zeewezens – c. 50 x 70 cm

An image in spraypaint / stencil + watercolour, produced in 2010  
Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka with sea creatures  -  c. 50 x 70 cm

dinsdag 19 februari 2013

1 Week Celebrity

Na de prijs van "Windws on Evolution" dus een week celebrity geweest.De collega’s op de UB zijn op de hoogte gebracht via het intranet,de bezoekers van de UB via de facebook-pagina op 15/2 en de Utrechtse Universitaire gemeenschap via een bericht in DUB (Digitaal Universiteits Blad).

Ter gelegenheid van de prijs is de profielfoto op al mijn web-accounts vervangen door een afbeelding in Gespoten Acryl /sjaboloon + aquarel. Dit vanwege voor de hand liggende redenen.

dinsdag 12 februari 2013

Darwin Day 2013

Natural selection is looking at you I, 2012    
Acrylic spraypaint/stencil, watercolour; DIN A4

With pleasure I like to inform you that my two entries to the on-line exhibition “Windows on Evolution” were received well. One work, “Natural selection is looking at you” was proclaimed best of show, whereas the other one, “Evolution is looking at you” was selected for the on-line exhibition. The show will be accessible from today onwards, Darwin Day, February 12, 2013.

The competition is an initiative of “Science Art-Nature”. This is a non-profit organization, founded in 2009 by scientists at Stanford University.

Evolution is looking at you 2012,
watercolour (39 x 27 cm)
Evolution gave animals the ability of seeing by eyes. When experiencing the visual arts, looking is essential. That is why it went almost without saying that “seeing/looking” had to be the focal theme for my entries in this “Science Art-Nature” contest. Art itself is challenged by evolution, as the latter drew delusory eyes on butterfly wings. This is nature as well as illusion, and exactly this triggered my imagination.

I like to thank the jury of “Science Art-Nature”. As science and art merge here, I am pleased with this award, as I was back then with the Rakow Grant for Glass Research (1995) and the assignment by  the “Centraal Museum”(i.e. Utrecht City Museum), to write a chapter for the book NEO (2003


dinsdag 5 februari 2013

Michel Foucault Series

It is Michel Foucault (1926-1984) who made us aware of the processes in which humans, their behavior and expectations are all subject to normalization. To use a more coarse word: repression may be detected everywhere.  He is also called Saint Michel Foucault, but let me doubt that. I like to think he was utterly human.
There may not always be a way to avoid normalization or repression, yet there is the possibility to address it. I did so in this series, created 2011-2013, featuring the portrait of Michel Foucault as an act of gratitude to him. His oeuvre will not end, but it will be a fertilizer for ideas as well as works that will grow on his legacy. 

This is a sequel to the blog of August 10, 2011

Go. Don’t stop. Go! 
Life implies differentiation
Fate happens, you act

Ending oppression is not yet liberation

4 Works on A4-paper, acrylic paint and spray-paint / stencil, Indian ink, pencil.The stencil is abstracted from the famous photograph made in Berlin in the late 1970s.