Henri's berichten over zijn recente activiteiten

Henri's reports on his recent activities

dinsdag 13 december 2016

retirement & farewell party

Recently, I retired. On my farewell party I delivered my Blaschka lecture,
for the final time, to coworkers and  librarians. 

In addition,  there was a small exhibition of zoological illustrations.


These images were used by Leopold and Rudolf  as preparatory materials
for the designs of glass animal models.

All books are from the special collections of Utrecht University
& these clips pan you along the showcases.

woensdag 9 november 2016

Utrecht in tekeningen I

Tolien Wilmer componeerde een  boek dat als titel kreeg: De getekende stad. Utrecht in tekeningen 1900-2000. Ze heeft ruim vierhonderd tekeningen uit de collectie van Het Utrechts Archief gekozen die laten zien hoe het beeld van de stad Utrecht tussen 1900 en 2000 ingrijpend veranderde. Het boek bevat een aquarel van me uit 1986.

Central Soja aan ’t Merwedekanaal,  1986 - 57,5 x 77 cm

One of my watercolours made in 1896 was included in a book with 400 Utrecht cityscapes.


donderdag 18 augustus 2016

Meeting of Styles - Antwerp

In the weekend of  August 12-14, Antwerp featured the International Grafitti festival 'MEETING of STYLES'.  There was a cutting atmosphere of aerosol spray paint and  mutual competition. The artists liked black T-shirts and baggy pants, they often had a bun in their hair and they preferred dark rimmed glasses: the hipster look. The iconography of their grafittis relied highly on comics from the  sci-fi and horror genres, but there were also several impressive TAGS. As for underwater imagery, of course the octopus was a favorite as it connotates with fear and anxiety. But there was also a quite convincing jellyfish that is shown hereunder

Wall with fresh spraypaint

Grafitti jellyfish image

woensdag 15 juni 2016

Rudolf Blaschkas birthday

Rudolf Blaschka was born 159 years ago, on June 17, 1857.Thus, this month we commemorate his life  and achievements as a scientific artist.

Biologie und Kunst

Biologie und Kunst 
25. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie (DGGTB)

16. bis zum 19. Juni 2016
Zoologischen Forschungsmuseum
Alexander Koenig, Bonn

Die diesjährige Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie beleuchtet die Wechselwirkungen zwischen den biologischen Wissenschaften und unterschiedlichen Formen der bildenden Künste. Neben der Teilnahme an zahlreichen lohnenden Vorträgen, haben Interessierte die Gelegenheit, gemeinsam ein Vierteljahrundert des Bestehens der Gesellschaft zu feiern.

vrijdag 27 mei 2016

Leopold Blaschka's 194th birthday

May 27, 1822, Leopold Blaschka was born. 

Thus, today we commemorate his life and achievements as a scientific artist.